
Robotics Competitions

The Challenge Launching a robotics program is a challenging endeavor for several reasons. Robotics programs demand a major up-front investment of capital and continued reinvestment to remain relevant, particularly in a competition setting. Robotics programs also require lots of space to be successful, meaning that the competition and curricular spaces frequently have to be shared. Because of this, they require careful consideration about how best to structure the classroom environment so that the needs of the competition teams do not overwhelm the assessment needs of the classroom.

AP Instruction

Top Results In the three years I have taught AP Computer Science A, I have consistently produced top results with my students. In 2024, the overall percentage of 4s and 5s on the AP CSA exam was 46%. Across the three years I have taught the class, my average is 84%. In addition to that, I have spoken with several students who have completed my AP CSA course about the computer science classes they are taking in University.

Point Trackers

Point Trackers I have built three different point tracker programs for schools. These points trackers were integral parts of either the house team system or the SW-PBIS program at the school. Each of these three programs has been customized to the school’s needs, but they all were built on a few key concepts. SSI Scholar Dollars This was my earliest version of a point tracker. This iteration was in support of an SW-PBIS program, specifically awarding students for their good behavior outside of classroom.